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Author | Topic: Is there anything wrong with the word "God"? |
Elyahc Posts: 268 |
posted 01-26-2006 10:28 PM
Brother Chuck, This was a nice one you said, man I had to laugh at the ignorance that person said from this quote you said.
quote: No one will be honoring you no matter if they put a CAPITOL " S " ON " scumbag " or not, because the word itself is dis-honorable, whether capitolized or not. Your true with that statement though. The same is true though of " god " too, no matter if IT(g-d)is capitolized or not, it is the same in spelling and pronounciation, and IT does not HONOR YAHWEH, for it even sounds the same in YAHWEH'S Ears too, because it is a dis-honorable title/ name to Him too, the same as scumbag . Now, people please notice this carefully.
quote: There is no doubt about the Germamanic, ie-Assryians" Got, God,Gud,Gapt, Geat, WODAN, GODAN, " and its connection to the Old English (and Old Saxon) Wōden; Old Franconian Wodan; Alemannic Wuodan; German WOTAN or WOTHAN; Lombardic GODAN are synonymous with ODIN, though they represent regional differences,The account in the Historia Britonum calls Geat a son of a god which fits. Proto-Germanic *Wōđanaz[1] (in Old Norse word-initial *w- was dropped before rounded vowels and so the name became Ódinn). Adam von Bremen etymologizes the god worshipped by the 11th century Scandinavian pagans as "WODAN id est furor" ("WODAN, which means 'fury'"). An obsolete alternate etymology , which has been adhered to by many early writers including Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa in his Libri tres de occulta philosophia, is to give it the SAME ROOT AS THE WORD 'god ' itself, from its Proto-Germanic form GUD( Note as I said of Strongs 1464 of GUwD). This is not tenable today, except for the Lombardic name GODAN, which may go back to *guđanaz (see also gothi, gaut, god).Gothi Does anyone really want me to go farther to prove this connection of the Germanic-ie Assryians to the Modern Descendants of the Children of Israel, and that they are still in fact worshipping the same idol deity in( Isa.65:11)of a Babylonian deity of fortune " Strongs Hebrew Numbers GAD=1408=GAWD, ie-variation of 1409=GAWD, from 1464=GUwD, akin to 1413, which is related to the time when the BAAL=LORD GAD=GOAWD prophets[b] cut themselves in ( 1 Kings 18:28)? Then you had better go back in this topic and re-read that Article I put up, this is from another Etyemology source different than I have in my memory, however, it proves TWO FACTS ( as I have only shown a portion connecting modern Israel with its ancient captors), and the connection of GAD=GAWD=GOD=JUPITER=ZEUS which can be traced back to the 3rd Century and is branded on the very forehead or mind of the modern Babylonian mother and her harlots, and is the title name of the Roman( Dan.4th beast, and John's 1st beast)idol image, for all thee above title/ name deities are the one and the same, for it(Isa.65:11) of GAWD=GOD=JUPITER) was the title name of [b]the Babylonian( 1st Kingdom deity=GOD=GAWD, see Daniel)to the final Iron Roman Kingdom deity of JUPITER-ie=GAWD=GOD. Has anything really changed any since old EliYahu the Prophet's day( 1 Kings 18) concerning the modern descendants of Israel ? Yea, there are a lot more Baal prophets today who put a stumbling block before the modern descencants of the Children of Israel, as this is exactly what I have been exposing on the internet religious forums, as that is the reason most forum administrators hate me and ban me from their forums too. Also, i'm 100 percent with EliYah of this forum and His Guideline rules as Brother Larry quoted. Yahweh bless, Elyahc=Eljah C. [This message has been edited by Elyahc (edited 01-26-2006).] |
Acheson Posts: 1591 |
posted 01-26-2006 11:53 PM
Shalom, Chuck: I really appreciate your adding another perspective to this discussion, especially the part about the kleenex. Also, you are one of the nicest Over five years ago, when I first began an earnest discussion with those who believe we honor the Almighty by referring to Him as "our God," I pointed out the Germanic connections (Gott), which all scholars agree stem from idol worship. Even though this simple trace leads to idol worship, those who are opposed to the view I hold refused to regard it as "a bad thing." Instead, we have culturally redefined this word and have given it fresh new meaning, or something to that effect. I still cannot help but be reminded of the fresh new meaning Christianity has given to the Saturnalia celebration. Yes, it's the same thing, only this time it's the Creator's title man has chosen to mess with. In their defense, five years ago, I was told I hadn't proven a connection "beyond a reasonable doubt," as though the burden of proof had to be on those of my persuasion to somehow take him on a journey through time and space to literally, physically witness the stages of the various connections before he would believe me. Although I still maintain that the burden of proof ... from the perspective of making certain that we honor YHWH's name ... should actually be for the opposition to prove there isn't a connection, I nevertheless continued in my own research and found an idol named Gad (pronounced "gawd") that was worshipped in ancient Ireland. This idol was identified as a serpent deity. In addition to this, I learned that the word pronounced "God" in Russian means "reptile." Sealing the connection is the fact that those ancient Irish folk simultaneously worshipped an idol whose name contained the title "Baal." Morever, even the idol "God" was actually referred to as "Gad-EL-Glas." In spite of coming up with this added evidence of a connection, the opposition continues to maintain the same old, "You haven't proven a connection beyond a reasonable doubt." I believe I can safely declare the above response to be a broken record ... with the emphasis on the word broken. I keep asking if anyone can help me trace the origin of the ancient Irish words "Baal" and "El," but so far I have had "zero takers." Anyone want to help me with this? Have I bungled the connection somewhere? If so, where? This brings me to some questions I asked way back on page five of this thread ... questions I have yet to see answered. Maybe someone will tackle them if I ask them again:
Could the word "GAD" (pronounced gawd) found within the ancient Irish idol named Gad-el-glas have the same point of origin as the name Baal? I believe the answers to the above questions are obvious, but since they aren't persuasive enough for those who disagree with my point of view, I wonder why no one has ventured an answer. As Elyahc has highlighted, I have asked lots of questions that have gone unanswered, and so has he. If I have left any questions unanswered, I would like to have them pointed out to me. Chuck and Elyahc, I appreciate all your hard work in researching this very important issue. In closing, I invite those who are still sitting on the fence to read through all the posts and note how many times the opposing camp uses the word "honor" with regard to the name and titles we use in reference to our Heavenly Father. Regardless of how some may attempt to shift the focus away from it, I maintain this is still all about HONOR. Those of the other persuasion maintain we haven't proven a connection beyond a reasonable doubt. I maintain they haven't offered a shred of evidence that there isn't a connection. May Yahweh bless! Yours in Messiah, [This message has been edited by Acheson (edited 01-28-2006).] |
Elyahc Posts: 268 |
posted 01-27-2006 02:16 AM
Shalom Brother Larry, Its like you said, people want you to take them on a long journey step by step back through History, time and space before they will accept a reality and believe conclusive proof. However, IF those that oppose this reality concerning the word GAD=GAWD=GOD, GOTT, GODEN, GUD, GOTH,gothi, gaut, god,Gothi with WODEN,ÓDIN and think its an Honorable title/ name for the true Creator YAHWEH, then about as close as I can come to bringing them back through space and time is through the Etymology and History of these words through their respective use in past cultural society; which I think if they will carefully read that long post given the other day posted 01-22-2006 02:40 AM very carefully they can see the connections as Chuck did concerning ( Isa.65:11) and the modern day Children of Israel using these modern forms of these words. One thing that I don't understand as a position of certain people, is that some think that we should never even investigate or check into these things that we have been taught all our lives to see if they are true with scriptures, and merely write it off as chasing pagan rabbit trails, as if we should just bury our heads in the sand, and accept everything that has been taught to us from childhood in our own modern society. Still like you said, and so do I believe also that...
quote: However, I maintain that there is overwhelming proof that there is a connection of the idol deity of ( Isa.65:11) to todays modern redefined title/ name of GAD=GAWD=GOD that people dis-honor the Father YAHWEH.
quote: You asked... quote: I don't know if I understand you correctly or not, however, do you mean the plain words of " BAAL" and " EL " alone or do you mean they must have a connection to the "" ancient Irish culture or language"" ? If you explain what it is exacly in more explicit detail that you want me to do, I will certainly try and help research it out. You also said about the Saturnil( ie- modern new re-defined their own meaning of christ-mass), well they have done the same with Easter( ie-Ishtar, Astarte, Ashtoreth, as they have also re-defined their own meaning of it too)then say it HONORS the true Creator. Well, I'm beginning to think and believe there is a distinction in WHOM they call on as the one they call creator, lower case "c " as they call upon their's as BAAL GAWD; and as we call upon the Name of YAHWEH as the scriptures comand us to do, for He is not their true Creator, or otherwise they would believe only in Him and His Name of YAHWEH. You also said...
quote: Your very much welcome Brother Larry, I did have other research sources on this matter, however, I cannot access them from this computer, but I only have them in my memory, and if people cannot read them or have access to them other than reading them from their computer themselves, they will never even attempt to believe merely what one themselves write or quote from sources that they must dig and look them up in libraries. However, your very much welcome, and I want to thank You and June again for those well written and researched booklets. If I can ever be of any assistance to you in any way, research or otherwise don't hesitate to ask, I will dig and dig, if there is anything to dig for concerning truth of scriptural subjects and History of words and their origination as has to do with scriptures. And I will state your words and mine in closing, I invite those who are still sitting on the fence to read through all the posts and note how many times the opposing camp uses the word "honor" with regard to the name and titles we use in reference to our Heavenly Father. Regardless of how some may attempt to shift the focus away from it, I maintain this is still all about HONOR and DIS-HONOR of YAHWEH'S NAME. If those of the other persuasion maintain we haven't proven a connection beyond a reasonable doubt( as I do believe we have). I maintain they haven't offered a shred of evidence that there isn't a connection in any of their writings except avoiding the questions asked and the reality of this truth. Yahweh be with you all Brother Chuck, and everyone and for certain Brother Larry and family, we love you all for standing up for the truth. Elyahc= Eljah C. [This message has been edited by Elyahc (edited 01-27-2006).] |
Acheson Posts: 1591 |
posted 01-27-2006 09:00 AM
Shalom, Elyahc: Thank you for asking me to clarify some questions I asked in my last posting, which are actually questions I asked way back on page 5 of this thread. It may be that the reason no one answered back then is because no one understood the questions. Instead of rephrasing the questions, though, I would prefer to simply present my reasoning, and then ask you or anyone to explain any flaws in my thinking process. Here is what you wrote:
quote: I reply: Let me put it to you this way: I would like to think we all know the words "Baal" and "El" are found in the Hebrew text of Scripture, and that both terms are traceable to worship in ancient Israel/Canaan. These words, in original form, were honorable titles used in reference to YHWH, then later corrupted by man, who culturally redefined them as names for their idols. However, my main point here is that these two words, when tracing their origin, are traced to ancient Israel/Canaan. Agreed? A point that you and I have made all along is the fact that the same can be said for the title/name "God." It is not traced to medieval Germany, India, or Africa. It is traced to ----> ancient Israel/Canaan, and as we know, this idol was also worshipped in ----> Haran. Remember, those who believe it is "perfectly acceptable" to translate "Elohim" as "God" maintain the English/Germanic "God" cannot be traced to ancient Israel/Canaan's heathen idol whose name is pronounced "gawd." With this in mind, I would like for those who are into tracing cultural and linguistic patterns to look up Germany and Ireland on a map. You will note that, as man migrated westward through Europe, Germany had to be a "stopping point" on the route to Ireland. Thus, if "God" came to be pronounced "Gott" in Germany due to whatever dialectical nuances caused this slight pronunciation difference, it is no surprise that it may have undergone other slight pronunciation variances in other parts of Europe, much the same as we recognize a "southern accent" here in the United States versus a "northern accent." As it turns out, though, "God" was pronounced gawd in ancient Ireland, just as it is pronounced in Hebrew. However, those who refer to YHWH as their "God" choose to disregard this fact as evidence linking this term to ancient Israel. They claim this doesn't "prove" a connection. Since they do not recognize the Irish serpent idol "God" as being traced to ancient Israel/Canaan, I have to ask them to explain how they trace the Irish idols "Baal" and "El." Where do those terms originate?? In other words, to really simplify this question, before "Baal" worship found its way to Ireland, where was it found? And where was it found before that? And then where was it found before that ... and on and on until we arrive at the original "worship point" of Baal? To this point, no one from the opposition has so much as addressed this question. I will now answer the question, and I invite anyone to demonstrate any errors in my reasoning process: The "Baal" in the Irish idol's name Baal-tin-glas is traced to ----> ancient Israel/Canaan. The "El" in the Irish idol by the name of Gad-el-Glas is traced to ----> ancient Israel/Canaan. I believe the two above statements are a "given." I challenge anyone to demonstrate that my reasoning is flawed with the above. With this in mind ... knowing that the above two terms are traced to ancient Israel/Canaan, could it be ... might it be possible ... that the ancient Irish term "GAD" {pronounced gawd) is also traced to ----> ancient Israel/Canaan? I will here point out that I was involved in this very same discussion last year, and my chief opponent, instead of denying the connection, attempted to discredit the scholar from whose work I obtained this information. I found the information regarding the Irish serpent idol Gad-el-Glas in a two-volume work published by a very renowned 19th century scholar named J. G. R. Forlong. His work is entitled Rivers of Life, which was published in 1883. My opponent went so far as to label Forlong as "messed up" in his research. Anyone who truly examines Forlong's research, however, will find he was "right on the money," so to speak. Anyway, Elyahc, I hope this helps to establish my point. In a nutshell, if we can agree that the Irish Baal and El must be traced to ancient Israel/Canaan, then it should be a "given" that this is where the Irish Gad, pronounced gawd, is traced as well. This really shouldn't be as complicated as the opposition seems to try to make it out to be. Before we had the Irish terms Baal and El to consider, I believe all the evidence we had regarding the Germanic Gott was very strong evidence of a connection, but it didn't establish the connection. Now that we have the additional connecting links of Baal and El, I believe the connection is virtually affirmed. The only reason I do not state that I am 100% convinced is because I really do try to be honest in my own research, and the only way I know of to be 100% certain is to take that literal journey through time and space to physically witness the spread of this term as man migrated through Europe. I am, however, 99.999% convinced. May YHWH bless all! In the love of YHWH through His Son Yeshua the Messiah, |
Elyahc Posts: 268 |
posted 01-28-2006 01:20 AM
Yes I agree with you, for the word " BAAL " in one sence is applied to YAHWEH in a pure meaning as He was Ancient Israel's Husband, however, when the Children of Israel intered the land of CAANAN( though as you pointout BAAL GAWD was worshipped in HARAN there can be no doubt)this title became as a replacement common noun name in substitute for YHWH in worship as is evidenced in ( 1 Kings 18) of Eliyahu the Prophet's time, in much the same way that has happened today in modern English translations of scriptures, and the true Name of YHWH has been forgotten for Baal GAWD Jer.23:20-27 as this is a prophecy( See Jer.23:20) for the latter days, in feference to the Children of Israel has forgotten His Name for Baal as there FOREFATHERS DIDand so the common people do not even know His Name today. You said...
quote: I agree again, as the Children of Israel( Mostly the Northern tribes) were scattered all throughtout the Gentile world, and as they migrated through Europe throughout the world they carried with them the deity known as ( Isa.65:11) of GAD=GAWD=GOD, GUWD= GUD, through German GOTT everywhere they went including Ireland and Scotland, Sweden, and Danish, and even eventually to America and even Australia. If I can trace the modern Descendants of Ancient Israel merely through these deities as it is mentioned in ( Isa.65:11)throughout the known modern world then anyone else can do also, if they will only be interested enough with an open mind( Because YHWH said He would scatter them abroad)then they too can see and know this to be true even as CHUCK has begun to research this matter. As I have said before, I also have studied and researched many different religious beliefs with scriptures over the past 24 years of my life, and there is one in particular that comes to mind as I have been on many religious forums since I received this computer back in ( Sept.2005) proving these things, and declaring the true YHWH and Messiah to the common people of these forums that will allow me to continue on their forums. Well, I encountered a person on one forum that was of Israel( aka Bill) Hawkins in Texas persuasion who persisted that the Hebrew title of EL was of pagan origin( As some Encyclopedias will say too) that originated from the land of Caanan During Joshua son of Nun's time, and that the Children of Israel aquired this title of El from the Cannanites. Well, he continually insisted on believing this, then, I finally pointed out to this person that the title of El was originally written by Moshe( Moses) in the first five books of the Torah and that Moses wrote these first five books BEFORE the Children of Israel even entered the land of Caanan, and Moses was NOT allowed to even enter the Land of Caanan and had even died before they entered the Land of Caanan( Deut.34:7; Joshua 1:2) to even aquire the Caananite language. This person was stunned to know this fact that Moses did not aquire the title of El in the first five books from the Caananites, because he was not allowed to enter the land of Caanan. So much for buffalo Bill Israel Hawkins as he also taught that satan the devil was a she in scriptures. Can you immagine reading (John 8:44) where Messiah said and called those Jews ... "" you are of your father the devil"" as saying """ you are of your MOTHER the devil ?? As you said also...
quote: Well, its impossibly for us today to take a literal journey through space and time to physically witness the spread of these terms as the Ancient Children of Israel was spread abroad as they migrated through Europe throughout the erets of the world, however, with YHWH all things are possibly, and I believe for that small percentage that do not want to be convinced by todays research in this matter as we have shown through these idol deity connections, that there will come a time in the future coming Kingdom of YHWH that He will have a way for to physically witness this to show people this spreading abroad of the Israelites throughout the erets of thee earth. However, I too am fully convinced concerning the idol title of GAWD in ( Isa.65:11) and its connection to the modern day GOD of the Children of Israel.
In Messiah, Elyahc= Eljah C. [This message has been edited by Elyahc (edited 01-28-2006).] |
Acheson Posts: 1591 |
posted 01-28-2006 10:21 AM
Hi, Elyahc: Again, I applaud your zeal in tracing the origin of "Gawd," "Gûwd," "Gud," "Gott," etc., which has caused you to so diligently research this matter. You also present the view that we can actually trace our lineage by following the "Gawd" trail as it spread from Israel through Europe ... and eventually to the "gud ol' USA." I believe there is a "movement" sweeping this land causing many to wake up to their "Hebrew roots" ... not that this is anything to boast about by any means. For me, although this is cause to rejoice, it is also a sobering thought, for it is yet another partial fulfillment of the statement in Jeremiah 16:19: 19O Yahweh, my Strength and my Fortress, and my Refuge in the day of affliction, the Gentiles shall come unto Thee from the ends of the earth and shall say, "Surely our fathers have inherited lies, vanity and things wherein there is no profit!" I love my parents, I loved my grandparents. They, like the rest of us, are/were human and prone to error. Yet they inherited lies, which they in turn passed down to me. I suggest a careful rereading of Jeremiah 16. The chapter opens on a very somber note, speaking of death. It is death by famine, disease and by the sword. This occurred at the time of the siege of Jerusalem by King Nebuchadnezzar. However, I am persuaded that this could be a dual prophecy, for I am reminded of all the suffering experienced over the course of time since the Babylonian Captivity. One thing that stands out is the Black Death, which reduced the population of Europe by one-fourth during the Middle Ages. It has been proven that this plague would have been prevented if Yahweh's Torah had been obeyed. In fact, since Jews of that time period were obeying Torah, and were thus generally unaffected by the Plague, they were actually accused of poisoning wells! I bring this up because Jeremiah 16, I believe, speaks to this and other plagues that have come upon mankind because "our fathers have inherited lies": 10And it shall come to pass, when thou shalt show this people all these words, and they shall say unto thee, "Wherefore hath Yahweh pronounced all this great evil against us? Or what is our iniquity? Or what is our sin that we have committed against Yahweh our Almighty?" Again, if our ancestors (our "fathers") had only remained faithful to Yahweh, which includes obedience to His Torah, these evils, such as the Black Death, would not have come upon them. Yahweh gives us the answer to why this world is in such a mess right there in His Word, but few are able to see. Rather, just as "our fathers" taught during the Middle Ages, so it is taught today that Yahweh's law has been "done away." This thread, however, is not about Yahweh's law. It is about His title(s). Nevertheless, the two are closely related. Yahweh's law prohibits the worship of idols; but this is clearly where this name/title originates, in spite of the opposing camp's attempts to refute it. Even the Hebrew scholars who translated the Septuagint understood that Leah, in naming Zilpah's son, had the idol of fortune in mind. Equipped with this understanding, we know that as the descendants of Israel migrated through Europe, they brought their IDOL WORSHIP with them, just as prophesied. And they suffered for it. One of their idols was named Gad, pronounced gawd, which as Elyahc has plainly demonstrated with full documentation, appeared in various forms, such as "Guwd," "Gawd," "Gud" and "Gott." In various forms it appeared as the actual name of the idol, just as it was in Canaan; in other forms it appeared as a title for the idol they worshipped. Then, upon conversion to Christianity, this title was simply applied to the Creator ... as if such a thing could possibly honor Him. Thus, no matter how one chooses to trace the etymology of "God," you end up with idol worship. But that's okay, they say. We have culturally and linguistically redefined this name and have given it a "gud" meaning! In fact, as one of the authors of the treatise "The Truth Regarding Inspired Titles" put it, "That's just the way the linguistic cookie crumbles!" The 16th chapter of Jeremiah does end on an encouraging note. We learn in this chapter that Yahweh will no longer be so much remembered as the Almighty who brought the children of Israel up out of Egypt, but as "Yahweh liveth that brought up the children of Israel from the land of the north, and from all the lands (including USA) whither He had driven them!" We're going home!! HalleluYah! And notice how the chapter ends: 21Therefore, behold! I will this once cause them to know, I will cause them to know Mine hand and My might; and they shall know that My name is Yahweh! Yahweh will not allow His children to mingle His worship with the names of idols. Is "God" an idol? Yes, it is. You can go right ahead and worship Him however you choose, call Him whatever you want ... at this time. But the day is coming when this will no longer be an option. As Elyahc has vividly shown us, we can know that we are Israel simply by tracing the worship of Gawd, Gûwd, Gud, Gott, etc. It is time for Israel to wake up to the lies she has inherited from her "fathers," including the name/title we have been taught to apply to the Creator. We can now know our heritage with virtual certainty, as sordid as it is. The awesome news is that we also know what lies ahead! Let's not wait for YHWH to command us to not refer to Him as "our GOD"! Let's do it NOW! This is all about HONOR! If referring to YHWH as "God" honors Him, I would dearly love for someone to give us a detailed explanation as to how it honors Him! In sifting through the 13 pages of this thread, I have yet to read any such commentary. The only attempt that I can even halfway recognize as an "attempt" is the "name on one of the gates of the New Yerushalem" logic, which has been thoroughly refuted and exposed for the deceptive reasoning that it is. Of course, the "name on one of the gates of the New Yerushalem" reasoning does contain a certain amount of truth. However, as we all need to remember, the danger of deception is that deception wouldn't be deception if it were obvious. The real danger of deception is that it appears reasonable and often contains a substantial amount of truth. As we have shown, though, having a certain name written on one of the gates of the New Yerushalem doesn't = Yahweh's permission to culturally redefine that name as one of His titles! Thus, if referring to YHWH as "our God" honors Him, I need a far better and more persuasive explanation from the opposing camp. Until I read that explanation, I am persuaded that "God" is yet another LIE we have inherited, and on that basis I reject it as DISHONORABLE. May YHWH bless all! In the love of YHWH through His Son Yeshua the Messiah, |
Elyahc Posts: 268 |
posted 01-29-2006 04:49 AM
YHWH bless you Brother Larry, YHWH has truely blessed you with scriptural as well as Prophectic knowledge for you have well said of these prophecies. you said ...
quote: Absolutely as you have well said about Prophecy, and I too loved my parents, though my grandparents died before I was born, except for my grandmother on my mom's side of the family when I was 6 years old she died, though I still remember her very much, and yes they inherited lies, and I never started discovering this untill I was about 23 years of age when I lost my first born son, and as I was young and foolish for blaming the Creator for losing him, as this is what caused my indepth study of the scriptures to try to prove there was no Creator. However, I also learned Etymology of words which words and names can undeniably prove and identify people's and cultures, which will also prove the validness of scriptures as it identifies ancient peoples that have grown into large modern peoples today, and I soon found myself actually proving the scriptures and the true Creator was in fact true and real. This indepth study of scriptures also led to my conversion from YHWH in the scriptures themselves, and it is true as thee Apostle Paul wrote and said that the law or torah is our tutor that will lead us to Messiah, and as Messiah said, everyone taught of the Father YHWH will come or lead to Him-Messiah, however, modern religion has greatly misunderstood Paul's writings of the law or Torah and the scriptures as Peter said which I also believe was a prophecy by Peter( 2 Peter 3:15-16) that is being practiced today in modern religion. The study together of these TWO FOLD REVEALINGS that I have discovered in the past in these two posts below of.... posted 01-14-2006 10:59 PM at.... And.... posted 01-22-2006 02:40 AM at... These two post will prove 2 things, the connections of these idol deities from the Babylonians 1st beast kingdom in the book of Daniel to the Roman4th beast kingdom, and John's 1st beast in Revelation 13:1-2 are the same in identification as they were culturally re-defined in different cultures[/b]; and it also proves the second connection of the Children of Israel from ancient to modern times as they have carried this ONE AND THE SAME idol deity with them under different re-defining idol title/ names in different cultures to this modern age, which will absolutely prove the modern tribes of Israel's identification also. I think it is a great honor to speak with you on this subject, as I read your booklets concerning this, and I knew from reading the booklets that you were a man to have an ear to hear about my discoveries( Thanks to YHWH and Messiah for such knowledge though)that i have researched long ago on this matter. your absolutely correct on those Prophecies in ( Yer.(Jer.))as we will return, and many in modern tribes of Israel does wake up and realize who they really are in the latter days, however, many will realize this in the tribulation or Jacobs trouble in Captivity again, and YHWH will have to save them out of it.
quote: I do agree with you Brother Larry about those prophecies, and I CRY as i sit here writing this to you, for i know what is coming on our people's, that is WHY i run to as many of the forums as i can find to tell them the truth of scriptures as i speak out, and to tell them TO PLEASE WAKE UP and warn them. Why want people wake up? Please wake up people much trouble is coming soon. The Capitol letters is not referenced to show emotion, however, for people to NOTICE what is written, for as I write YHWH in all Capitols, I sometimes make mistakes because of this, though i was blessed with a photo memory, i can still make mistakes in writing, which proves i'm only human like everyone else, and not like these machines in which we use for communication. I do not consider any man on this earth to be worshipped only YHWH, or neither do I judge any person either, whether they agree or disagree with me, I merely deemed it an honor to speak with other people on this forum, including you of like mind ( or otherwise)on this subject as all scriptural subjects. If and when I write my own words( which is very few times, for most all times I write only the scriptures) merely to uplift people in the spirit( as i did commending you on those booklets i read), not bring them down in the spirit, for words can either cut and hurt like a knife, or they can be used to uplift and heal spiritually to encourage people to study the scriptures on these matters.
quote:. However, I do not want people on here to mis-understand or misinterpret my posts, for I know what is coming on the modern day descendants of the Children of Israel if they do not repent of such inquities from the lies that we have inherited from our forefathers. However, unless the modern descendants of the Children of Israel do not wake up and REPENT of transgressions and return to YHWH and obey His Law or Torah, which is the duty of all mankind( Ecc.12:13), then the punishment as is written in ( Yer.Jer.30:1-11)is sure to come. And the reason that I did not quote verses 12- 13 of Jer.30is because I do not want people to think or to make myself out to be anything, and neither do i claim to be either, i'm a man like anyone else, and i did not want to down grade anyone else with verse 12 of Jer.30, but also read( Jer.30:17-22), but that Prophecy is meaning for the latter days as sure as ( Jer.23:20) says so, and as sure as the morning that will come tommorrow will come. Yes i'm tired of thee abominations, and i go off to myself and cry( YHWH Knows) for i know what is coming and at all of the abominations that i see and that are going on in this land and the world today, but people love these abominations instead of hating them, as most of this worlds religious organization are now allowing sodomomites and unlawful drug pushers, users, and dealers in their midst also. Love in Messiah, Elyahc= Eljah C. [This message has been edited by Elyahc (edited 01-31-2006).] |
Acheson Posts: 1591 |
posted 01-29-2006 10:48 PM
May Yahweh bless you, Elyahc, and I appreciate your efforts to help people wake up! May they have ears to hear and eyes to see. In the love of Yahweh through His Son Yeshua the Messiah, [This message has been edited by Acheson (edited 01-30-2006).] |
Elyahc Posts: 268 |
posted 01-30-2006 05:56 AM
I thought it might be best to combine these two posts here for simplicity of reading, however, it may be long but it proves the two points. The scriptures are very clear concerning the practice of " SYNCRETISIM " of idols with the FATHER YAHWEH which is Idolatry( Judges 2; 1 Kings 11:5-6) and the idol of " Baal GAWD=GOD "( Isa.65:11) or ANY other idol deity in SUBSTITUTION or CONNECTION to the FATHER YAHWEH is explicitly forbidden in the Torah, which caused many captivities of the Children of Israel, and caused YAHWEH'S anger was hot against them for Idolatry. In ( Rev.13:15) is spoken of an idol image of the beast which is this world's Kingdoms, and the ONLY NAME/ title that is used by the beast kingdom, and the ONLY NAME/TITLE of blasphemy that is on the BABYLONIAN HARLOT( Rev.17:3-5)is the name/title of " Gad=1408=GAWD and 1409=GAWD from 1464=GUWD" and you can notice the " dg " pointing of this title/ name is none other than " GOD ". When you look at the scriptural definition concerning the word "" POWER "" and "" NAME "", by its own explanation they mean the ONE AND THE SAME. Example; In ( Acts 4:7) when they were asked "" By what POWER( ie-Authority) or by what NAME( ie-Authority) have you done this?"" They mean the ONE AND THE SAME, for the " NAME " is thee " POWER " and " AUTHORITY " concerning Messiah's Name( Acts 4:10). Then, by the scriptures own definition of ( Rev.13:2) says the Dragon/ ie-satan( See Rev.12:9) gave power( ie-his name and authority) to the beast, and his seat and great authority. Then, you will read... quote: What is the Greek definition of a "" DEMON ""? """Result of search for "demon": 1140. daimonion dahee-mon'-ee-on neuter of a derivative of 1142; a dæmonic being; by extension a deity:--devil, god. Etymology of the word demon .
quote: Now the connection with Proto Indo Europeans of Germanic and Indo Aryan= Assyrians.
quote: Now the connection to the Old English to the Proto Germanic and Proto Indo European.
quote: Please also see how this is connected to 'GOD=GAWD=GUWD '( Isa.65:11) and the Roman Jupiter as also it proves a connection of who the Old English of ' GOD' with ' ODIN ' with the modern day descendants of the Children of Israel to ancient Indo Aryan= Assyrians in post number posted 01-22-2006 02:40 AM at below... Does anyone want to refute these connections from the Sanskrit thru. to Germanic to English? Does anyone want to refute that the title of 'GOD 'is not in fact a title for demons , and as this is satan who is behind this idol title ' GOTT=GOD=GAWD=GUWD '( Isa.65:11)that is being worshipped in the latter days( Rev.13:1-17), which is also the title/ name of the image of the beast ? Definition of Strongs Greek Dictionary 1140. daimonion dahee-mon'-ee-on neuter of a derivative of 1142; a dæmonic being; by extension a deity:--devil, god.
Result of search for "dragon": Now " devil "? Result of search for "devil":
However look at this ONE HERE, "" 1140. daimonion dahee-mon'-ee-on neuter of a derivative of 1142; a dæmonic being; by extension a deity:--devil, god.""
quote: Now what is the Greek Definition of a " IDOL "? """Result of search for "idol":
What is behind an idol deity? Also as Shaul( Paul) said... quote: It is demons that are behind idol deities and idol images, and we are commanded to destroy other idol deities out of our mouths( Shemoth=Exod.23:13; Joshua 23:7 and out of the land( Deut.12), and from our midst also, as we know that no idolaters shall inherit or be in YAH'S Kingdom ( 1 Cor.5:10; 6:9; Eph.5:5; Rev.21:8; Rev.22:15), and worship YHWH in spirit and truth in obedience to His Law or Torah which is the Father YHWH'S will( Matt.7:21) for all mankind( Ecc.12:13), and live by every word of YHWH( Deut.8:3; Matt.4:4; Luke 4:4). That is why ( 1 Yn. John 5:21) admonished us to...
quote: 4481. Rhemphan hrem-fan' by incorrect transliteration for a word of Hebrew origin (3594); Remphan (i.e. Kijun), an Egyptian idol:--Remphan. However notice this ONE HERE, ""1497. eidolon i'-do-lon from 1491; an image (i.e. for worship); by implication, a heathen god, or (plural) the worship of such:--idol""" Then you will read....,
quote: The ONLY IDOL title/ name that this world's religious kingdoms use, and is in the foreheads or minds of the beast kingdom and its religious kingdoms, is the title/ names of the BABYLONIAN DEITY OF FORTUNE, which is none other than ( Isa.65:11), which is " GOD " ie-GAD=1408 and 1409=GAWD, from 1464= GUWD". Thus, the whole world worships satan the devil( Rev.9:20-21; Rev.13:3-4, and verse 8) through the deception of this false BABYLONIAN IDOL DEITY DEMON called " GOD"=GAWD=GUD=GUWD=GOTT ", through satan's deception( Rev.12:9). And they have his very mark or name in their right hand which symbolizes disobedience, and his name in their very foreheads or minds( Rev.13:16-17). See the connection with post date posted 01-22-2006 02:40 AM at below.... Otherwise, how could the whole world be deceived by satan( Rev.12:9) into worshipping him ( Rev.9:20-21; Rev.13:3-4, and verse 8) in the LATTER DAYS? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- More information on the word GOD that is connected to the Roman deity Jupiter ie Zeus which was the idol worshipped by the Romans as they syncretized the Greek Zeus into their own to mean the one and the same deity, as this deity is connected to the idol deity of GAWD=GOD=GUWD=GUD=GOTT( Isa.65:11), and which identifies the modern day descendants of the children of Israel as is connected to this deity today.
quote: Then the connection of this word GODto the German Odin of the Germanic roots of this deity.
quote: Gaut
quote: GOD-Etymology quote: So, as you can SEE the whole world universally worships the idol image of the Roman beast and satan the devil( Rev.13:3-4; Rev.13:8; Rev.13:16-17) through deception( Rev.12:9) by this universal Babylonian deity of fortune=GAD=GAWD 1408, 1409=GOD( Isa.65:11)==the Roman( Dan.7:23, 4th beast, John's 1st and extended beast( Rev.13:1-17) of which is an image of JUPITER / ZEUS . It should be noted at this point that Old Norse had two different words spelled óðr, one an adjective and the other a noun. The adjective means '"mad, frantic, furious, violent."[2] It is cognate with Old English wōd.[3] The noun means "mind, wit, soul, sense" and "song, poetry."[4] It is cognate with Old English wōþ. In compounds, óð- means "fiercly, energetic" (e.g. óð-málugr "speaking violently, excited"). Both Old Norse words are from Proto-Germanic *wōþuz[5], continuing pre-Proto-Germanic *wātus[6]. An extra-Germanic cognate is Proto-Celtic *wātus "mantic poetry" (continued in Irish fáith, "poet," and Welsh gwawd , "praise-poetry") and Latin vātes, "prophet, seer" (a possible loan from Proto-Celtic *wātis, Gaulish ουατεις ;). A possible, but uncertain, cognate is Sanskrit api-vat-, "to excite, awaken" (RV 1.128.2). The Proto-Indo-European meaning of the root is therefore reconstructed as relating to spiritual excitation. The Old Norse semantic split is reflected in Adam von Bremen's testimony of the synchronic understanding of the name as "fury" rather than "poetry" or similar. Meid[7] suggested Proto-Germanic *-na- as a suffix expressing lordship ("Herrschersuffix"), in view of words like Odin's name Herjann, ("lord of armies"), drótinn ("lord of men") and þjóðann ("lord of the nation"), which would result in a direct translation of "lord of spiritual energy", "lord of poetry" or similar. It is sufficient, however, and more common, to assume a more general meaning of pertinence or possession for the suffix, inherited from PIE *-no-, to arive at roughly the same meaning. Rübekeil (2003:29)[8] draws attention to the suffix variants *-ina- (in Óðinn) vs. *-ana- (in Woden, Wotan). This variation, if considered at all, was dismissed as "suffix ablaut" by earlier scholars. There are, however, indications from outside Old Norse of a suffix *-ina-: English Wednesday (rather than *Wodnesday) via umlaut goes back to *wōđina-. Rübekeil concludes that the original Proto-Germanic form of the name was *Wōđinaz, yielding Old Norse Óðinn and unattested Anglo-Saxon *Wēden, and that the attested West Germanic forms are early medieval "clerical" folk etymologies, formed under the impression of synchronic association with terms for "fury". The pre-Proto-Germanic form of the name would then be *Wātinos. Rübekeil suggests that this is a loan from Proto-Celtic into pre-Proto-Germanic, referring to the god of the *wātis, the Celtic priests of mantic prophecy, so that the original meaning of the name would be "he [the god/lord] of the Vates" (p. 33), which he tentatively identifies with Lugus (p. 40).[/QUOTE] Odin and Mercury
quote: Zeus From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. quote: See also some of the mythology of Zeus/ Jupiter at... God Vedic Sanskrit hu- = "to sacrifice". The same root appears in the names of three related Germanic tribes, the Geats, the Goths and the Gutar. These names may be derived from an eponymous chieftain Gaut who was subsequently deified, who sometimes appears in early Medieval sagas as a name of Odin or one of his descendants, a former king of the Geats (Gaut(i)), an ancestor of the Gutar (Guti), of the Goths (Gothus) and of the royal line of Wessex (Geats) and as a previous hero of the Goths (Gapt). The Lombardic form of Odin, Godan, may derive from cognate Proto-Germanic *Guđánaz. The word God was used to represent Greek Theos, Latin Deus in Bible translations, first in the Gothic translation of the New Testament by Ulfilas. For the etymology of deus, see *dyeus. Greek theos is possibly unrelated, and of uncertain origin. De Saussure tentatively connected Baltic and Germanic words for "spook", ultimately cognate with Latin fumus "smoke". Dyaus Pita
quote: See also.... And also.... Jupiter (god)
quote: Tyr Origins The name[b] Tyr meant "god" (cf. Hangatyr, the "god of the hanged" as one of Odin's names) and goes back to a Proto-Germanic Tîwaz, continuing Proto-Indo-European Dyeus, originally the chief god, the precursor also of e. g. Zeus in Greek mythology, and Dyaus Pitar in Vedic religion. The oldest attestation of the god is Gothic Tyz (Vienna cod. 140 [1]) Tîwaz was overtaken in popularity and in authority by Odin at some point in both the North Germanic and West Germanic traditions. Among East Germanic tribes, however, he seems to have remained the supreme god: the Goths of the 3rd century were feared because they sacrificed the captives they took in battle to Tyz, their god of war, and then hung the arms of the victims in trees as a token-offering. This custom of human sacrifice seems to have been transferred to Odin in Scandinavia, as reported by Adam von Bremen in the 11th century (compare also Odin himself hanging from a tree as a sacrifice to himself in the Havamal). It is possible that the transfer of supremacy from Tyr to Odin was facilitated by the Germanic custom of diarchy (see Germanic king and c.f. e.g. Hengest and Horsa, Yngvi and Alf and Erik and Alrik), so that the two gods might have ruled the early Germanic pantheon as equals at some point. A trace of their relationship may be seen in the appearance of Tyr as Odin's son in Norse mythology, and also in Anglo-Saxon, if Tiw is identified with Saxnot (Seaxneat), the 'war-god' and son of Woden, who was revered as the ancestor of the Saxons. In an earlier version, Tyr may have been the son of Hymir, as he is in Hymiskviða (cf. Zeus being a son of Chronos). There is sketchy evidence of a consort, in German named Zisa: Tacitus mentions one Germanic tribe who worshipped "Isis", and Jacob Grimm pointed to Cisa/Zisa, the patroness of Augsburg, in this connection. The name Zisa would be derived from Ziu etymologically, in agreement with other consorts to the chief god in Indo-European pantheons, e. g. Zeus and Dione.[/quote] Jupiter (god) This article focuses on Jupiter in early Rome and in cultic practice. For information on mythological accounts of Jupiter, which are heavily influenced by Greek mythology, see Zeus. The name of the god was also adopted as the name of the planet Jupiter, and was the original namesake of the weekday that would come to be known in English as Thursday (the etymological root is more apparent in French jeudi, from Jovis Dies). Ironically, linguistic studies identify him as deriving from the same god as the Germanic Tiwaz (and Zeus), whose name was given to Tuesday. Another etymological reference is Dyaus Pita of the Vedic religion Hence you can see by the practice ofsyncretisim of the whole world has been and still is, which is Idolatry to YAHWEH. Thought you might want a little history on " gott, gud, guth, god, gawd" and how they connect to the deity of Jupiter/Zeus through Germanic roots into the English god and jupiter /zeusie- the idol image deity of the beast and satan( Rev.13:1-17), and how it connects to Babylon the great, the mother and her harlotsof ( Rev.17 and 18).
quote: They are connected as Jupiter-ie Zeus ie Germanic Tiwas,Later gods who are etymologically connected with Dyeus include... Tyr Origins The name[b] Tyr meant "god" (cf. Hangatyr, the "god of the hanged" as one of Odin's names) and goes back to a Proto-Germanic Tîwaz, continuing Proto-Indo-European Dyeus, originally the chief god, the precursor also of e. g. Zeus in Greek mythology, and Dyaus Pitar in Vedic religion. The oldest attestation of the god is Gothic Tyz (Vienna cod. 140 [1]) Tîwaz was overtaken in popularity and in authority by Odin at some point in both the North Germanic and West Germanic traditions. Among East Germanic tribes, however, he seems to have remained the supreme god: the Goths of the 3rd century were feared because they sacrificed the captives they took in battle to Tyz, their god of war, and then hung the arms of the victims in trees as a token-offering. This custom of human sacrifice seems to have been transferred to Odin in Scandinavia, as reported by Adam von Bremen in the 11th century (compare also Odin himself hanging from a tree as a sacrifice to himself in the Havamal). It is possible that the transfer of supremacy from Tyr to Odin was facilitated by the Germanic custom of diarchy (see Germanic king and c.f. e.g. Hengest and Horsa, Yngvi and Alf and Erik and Alrik), so that the two gods might have ruled the early Germanic pantheon as equals at some point. A trace of their relationship may be seen in the appearance of Tyr as Odin's son in Norse mythology, and also in Anglo-Saxon, if Tiw is identified with Saxnot (Seaxneat), the 'war-god' and son of Woden, who was revered as the ancestor of the Saxons. In an earlier version, Tyr may have been the son of Hymir, as he is in Hymiskviða (cf. Zeus being a son of Chronos). There is sketchy evidence of a consort, in German named Zisa: Tacitus mentions one Germanic tribe who worshipped "Isis", and Jacob Grimm pointed to Cisa/Zisa, the patroness of Augsburg, in this connection. The name Zisa would be derived from Ziu etymologically, in agreement with other consorts to the chief god in Indo-European pantheons, e. g. Zeus and Dione.[/quote]
quote: Now the connection of the word demon with TIW = TYR= GOD
quote: There can be no doubt of the connection of the Old English TYR= GODto the English word DEMON. as does all these idol deities. Hence the connection of all these deities to the English "GOD=GAUWD,GUD,GUDENEZ,JUPITER, ZEUS,TIWAZ, as TYR is GOD =GUDNEZ" all = DEMONS.
quote: Dyeus was addressed as Dyeu Phter, literally "Sky Father" or "shining father", as reflected in Latin Jupiter, Greek Zeu pater, Sanskrit Dyau Pita. In his aspect as a Father God, his consort was Pltvi Mhter, "Earth Mother". As the pantheons of the individual Indo-European mythologies evolved, attributes of Dyeus were sometimes redistributed to other, newer gods. In Greek and Roman mythology, Dyeus remained the chief god, while in Vedic and Germanic mythology, the etymological continuants of Dyeus became pale, rather featureless gods, and his original attributes, and his dominance over other gods, were transferred to gods whose names cannot be reconstructed for Proto-Indo-European times, such as ODIN , THOR or Indra. They are all connected together here and read how they fit together. Thank you for taking the time to read through such a long post. Shalom, Elyahc=Eljah C. [This message has been edited by Elyahc (edited 02-02-2006).] |
chuckbaldwin Posts: 2753 |
posted 02-03-2006 09:21 PM
Bros. Larry & Elyahc, Thank you both for your kind words, and especially for all the research you have both presented on this subject. My "research" is limited to picking up "bits & pieces" from here and there, and occasionally tying them together. May Father YAHWEH bless you, and may His Kingdom come soon. ------------------ |
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