Search results for "1144":

1144 Binyamiyn bin-yaw-mene' from 1121 and 3225; son of (the) right hand; Binjamin, youngest son of Jacob; also the tribe descended from him, and its territory:--Benjamin.

1145 Ben-ymiyniy ben-yem-ee-nee' sometimes (with the article inserted) Ben-ha-yminiy {ben-hah-yem-ee-nee'}; 376 inserted (1 Sam. 9:1) Ben-miysh Ymiyniy {ben-eesh' yem-ee-nee'}; son of a man of Jemini; or shortened (1 Sam. 9:4; Esth. 2:5) eIysh Ymiyniy {eesh yem-ee-nee'}; a man of Jemini, or (1 Sam. 20:1) simply Yminiy {yem-ee-nee'}; a Jeminite; (plural Bniy Ymiyniy {ben- ay' yem-ee-nee'}; patron from 1144; a Benjaminite, or descendent of Benjamin:--Benjamite, of Benjamin.
3226 Yamiyn yaw-meen' the same as 3225; Jamin, the name of three Israelites:--Jamin. See also 1144.