Re: SHABBAT KEEPING...some pearls?

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Posted by Tamar on September 21, 1997 at 14:01:11:

In Reply to: Re: SHABBAT KEEPING...some pearls? posted by David on September 21, 1997 at 00:48:52:


Sometimes I sit puzzled seeing there to be a confusion in the minds of many reader.

What it is seems to be a confusion between His grace..and the law.

First, His grace.
This is a gift. Is there anything we could of done..anything we can be worthy of salvation?? No. This only He can and did do. He died for us. We are saved by grace..through faith..and who gives us this faith? Where does faith come from? again, anything we did on our own? It frustrates me to see when people think that something they did could or can make them worthy of His grace. Even our best acts..what does His Word say about them? The message of salvation through grace is a message that is powerful that is awesome, so much so we sit back and say why me? I know in my heart I am not worthy..but You YHWH, You died for me... This grace He offers everyone freely. and without His grace we cannot be saved. Without His death and resurrection no one could stand before Him. Its nothing we did people...please don't try undermine what Yahushua did on the cross for us. To Him be the glory and and forever! HalleluYah.

Now the 10 words Please read Matt 5

There are many times in the NT where Yahushua speaks about the 10 words He gave to Moses. There are references made to the ways Yahweh wanted His people to live too. In the NT we have the sermon on the mount.... I have heard say that, that sermon replaced the 10 words too. Matt 7:21 No one who wishes to enter the Kingdom of Yahweh escapes the requirements of these Words. The verse in Matt 5:17 Think not that I came to fulfil the law...the fulfilling refers to Yahushua..and His teachings. No new law is given, neither did He intend to abolish the 10 Words nor replace it. His intention is in fact to fulfil the law by His teaching, to demonstrate the true content and purpose. We can continue reading in Matt 5 various applications and illustrations of what the law of Yahweh actually demands. He gives clear illustrations to show that it was not to be understood that He was abolishing it. Any person who is a particiapant of the Kingdom is bound to seriously regard the will of our heavenly Father.
That sermon on the mount has great shows the will of Yahweh, as it is revealed in the law. Study it, and will soon see that they are only to be understood truly and correctly in the full accordance with the law and the prophets.
The sermon on the mount gives us proper insight into the relationship of being a participant of the Kingdom of Yahweh, and of having the task and the calling of a believer in this world.

Now to try sum up
After we read the entire sermon on the mount we can see that any life that is not reborn by His grace and does not surrender to Yahweh's will is a life lost.

And you shall love Yahweh your Elohim with all your heart and with all your being, and with all your mind, and with all your strength. This is the first command.

Those words..all your heart..all your being...all your mind...all your strength....please do think upon their meaning.

Yes we are saved not because of what we do...His grace alone. Now we confess..Yahweh my Elohim, I love you with all my heart and my being and my mind and my strength...thankyou Yahweh for showing me how it is You wish for me to live, thankyou for your 10 words, thankyou for your law..thankyou for the OT in which I can read so clearly Your will for those Your set-apart people. Your Kingdom come, Your Will be done..also in me.

Will I fail? Yes I will, for each day I fall short of His glory. Thats where His grace comes in. Without Him, I am lost. Without following His Will I am lost.And because of His grace, I can ask for forgiveness, and He does forgive. Because I know I will stumble..does that make me say..well..if I broke one I broke em all...better not try keep any? NO! Without His grace...when I broke one, I broke them all, and could not stand.
1 Tim 2:5
For there is one Elohim, and one Mediator between Elohim and men, the Man Messiah Yahushua.
He is the Way, the Truth and the Life.

2 Tim 1
8b and following
The power of Elohim, who has saved us and called us with a set-apart calling, not according to our works, but according th His own purpose and favour which was given to us in Messiah Yahushua before times of old.....but now revealed by the appearing of our Savior Yahushua Messiah, who indeed abolished death and brought life and incorruptibility to light through the Good News....

I appologize for having so many of my words today. I prefer to stick to His Word. Please know that I am learning daily and am only trying to share. You can ignore all my words in this post, but please please do not ignore His Word and will for us.

love in Yahushua,

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